Supervisory Board

Members of the Supervisory Board of Arctic Paper S.A. – Appendix No. 1 to the current report 22/2021 dated June 22, 2021


Per Lundeen

Chairman of the Supervisory Board


Mr. Per Lundeen, a Swedish citizen of Lund, has a Master of Science education in Chemical Engineering and Paper Technology from Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Professional experience:

Mr. Lundeen has nearly 40 years of experience in Industrial Management positions from the Chemical, Paper and Paper Packaging Industry. For 20 years he has been working for A&R Packaging Group whereof 12 years as President and CEO. He has also been serving as President of ECMA, the European Carton Manufacturers branch Association.

Mr. Lundeen is already related to Arctic Paper Group since 2013, when he had been a Supervisory Board member of Rottneros AB.

From 2014 until August 2016 Mr. Lundeen held the position of President and CEO of Rottneros AB until. Since then, he has been the Chairman of the Board of Rottneros AB.

Mr Lundeen is a Supervisory Board member of the following industrial enterprises:

– Fiskeby Board AB: Recycled Carton Board manufacturer
– Rottneros AB: Pulp Producer
– Strand Packaging AB: Folding Carton manufacturer.


Mr. Lundeen has stated:

  • that in accordance with the conditions specified in art. 18 of the Act of 15 September 2000, the Code of Commercial Companies (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 94, item 1037, as amended) in relation to the candidate for a member of the company's supervisory board, he has full capacity to act and he is not accused in criminal proceedings based on the provisions of Sections XXXIII-XXXVII of the Criminal Code and in Article 585, Art. 587, art. 590 and in art. 591 k.s.h. and I have not been convicted of a valid court sentence for the offenses set out in the abovementioned Regulations.
  • that he does not run a business competitive to Arctic Paper S.A.
  • that he does not participate in a competitive company, as a partner in a civil-law partnership, as a member of a body of a joint-stock company or in another competitive legal entity, as a member of its body.
  • that he does not appear in the Register of Insolvent Debtors, kept pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997 in the National Court Register (Journal of Laws of 2007 No. 168, item 1186, as amended).



Roger Mattsson

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board. 
Mr. Roger Mattsson has been a member of the Supervisory Board of Arctic Paper S.A. since 2014.


Mr. Roger Mattsson has a Master of Science in Business Administration and Economics from School of Business, Economics and Law at University of Gothenburg.

Professional experience:

Mr. Mattsson has wide experience from finance and controlling departments, he had worked as Group Controller (Toyota Material Handling and Rexam) and as Financial Manager (Lantmännen Doggy). He has also held the position of CFO at Talent Plastics Group.

Mr. Mattsson has already been related to Arctic Paper Group - in 2007-2011, he had worked as Group Finance Controller Arctic Paper S.A.

Currently, Mr. Mattsson holds the position of Finance Director in Nemus Holding AB.


Mr. Mattsson has stated:

  • that in accordance with the conditions specified in art. 18 of the Act of 15 September 2000, the Code of Commercial Companies (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 94, item 1037, as amended) in relation to the candidate for a member of the company's supervisory board, he has full capacity to act and he is not accused in criminal proceedings based on the provisions of Sections XXXIII-XXXVII of the Criminal Code and in Article 585, Art. 587, art. 590 and in art. 591 k.s.h. and I have not been convicted of a valid court sentence for the offenses set out in the abovementioned Regulations.
  • that he does not run a business competitive to Arctic Paper S.A.
  • that he does not participate in a competitive company, as a partner in a civil-law partnership, as a member of a body of a joint-stock company or in another competitive legal entity, as a member of its body.
  • that he does not appear in the Register of Insolvent Debtors, kept pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997 in the National Court Register (Journal of Laws of 2007 No. 168, item 1186, as amended).
  • that he meets the criteria of the members of the audit committee within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of May 11, 2017 on statutory auditors, audit firms and public supervision (Journal of Laws 2020.1415, i.e. of August 2020, 19), in reference to knowledge and skills in the field of accounting and knowledge and skills in the field of auditing financial statements.



Thomas Onstad

Member of the Supervisory Board.
Mr. Thomas Onstad has been a member of the Supervisory Board OF Arctic Paper S.A. since 2008.


Mr. Thomas Onstad is a graduate of London School of Foreign Trade.


Mr. Onstad has stated:

  • that in accordance with the conditions specified in art. 18 of the Act of 15 September 2000, the Code of Commercial Companies (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 94, item 1037, as amended) in relation to the candidate for a member of the company's supervisory board, he has full capacity to act and he is not accused in criminal proceedings based on the provisions of Sections XXXIII-XXXVII of the Criminal Code and in Article 585, Art. 587, art. 590 and in art. 591 k.s.h. and I have not been convicted of a valid court sentence for the offenses set out in the abovementioned Regulations.
  • that he does not run a business competitive to Arctic Paper S.A.
  • that he does not participate in a competitive company, as a partner in a civil-law partnership, as a member of a body of a joint-stock company or in another competitive legal entity, as a member of its body.
  • that he does not appear in the Register of Insolvent Debtors, kept pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997 in the National Court Register (Journal of Laws of 2007 No. 168, item 1186, as amended).



Zofia Dzik

Member of the Supervisory Board


Ms Zofia Dzik is graduate of the Cracow University of Economics, University of Illinois in Chicago, Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities and Executive Programs at Stanford University and INSEAD Business School. Ms. Zofia Dzik holds an MBA from Manchester Business School. She is a mentor, certified member of the Association for Project Management (APM) and certified member of the John Maxwell Team, a leading international organization of leadership experts.

Professional experience:

Between 1995-2003 she was an advisor at Arthur Andersen and Andersen Business Consulting and the Director of the Insurance Department responsible, for projects for the financial services sector in the field of: strategy, business scalability, mergers, omni-channel sales strategy, reorganization and finance.

Since 2003, she has been associated with the Intouch Insurance Group (RSA Group) operating in the fintech area, where in 2004-2007 she was the President of the Management Board of Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Link4 SA, the first direct insurer in Central and Eastern Europe (start-up, brand building, CRM , process automation, individual risk assessment, new technologies, agile method, innovative distribution channels, leadership, people at work, talent management, succession).

In the years 2007–2009 she was a Member of the Management Board of Intouch Insurance B.V. in the Netherlands and the General Manager for Central and Eastern Europe of the Intouch Insurance group. As part of this function, she was responsible for the development of new markets. She was the chairman of the supervisory boards of the companies: TU Link4 S.A. (member of the Supervisory Board until July 2015) and Direct Insurance Shared Services Center in Poland, Intouch Strachowanie in Russia (start up), Direct Pojistovna in the Czech Republic (start up) and Vice-President of the Supervisory Board of TU na Życie Link4 Life S.A.

In her abundant professional career, she has held the following positions:

2006–2008 Member of the Management Board of the Polish Chamber of Insurance;

2007–2010 Member of the Supervisory Board of the Insurance Guarantee Fund;

2012–2013 independent Member of the Supervisory Boards of the following companies: KOPEX S.A. – producer of mining equipment, Polish Energy Partners S.A. (PEP S.A.) – a company in the field of renewable energy;

2014–2016 FSCD (Digital University);

2015–2016 Member of the Supervisory Board and Audit Committee of AmRest SE – a leading operator in the QSR sector in Europe, over 1,000 restaurants – own brands and franchising for Starbucks, Pizza Hut, KFC;

2012–2016 bank PKO BP S.A – Vice-chairwoman of the Audit Committee and Nomination Committee, Member of the Risk Committee;

2015–2017 InPost – Chairwoman of the Audit Committee;

2011–2018 ERBUD S.A. a leading company in the construction industry in Poland and Benefit Systems S.A. – an innovative integrator of non-wage benefits services for employees and an operator of sports infrastructure;

Since 2010, an investor and social innovator, President of the Management Board of Humanites, think & Do tank, social, combining the topics of Human and Technology, whose aim is systemic support for social transformation, building social capital and qualitative development of society in four areas: Family, Education, Work Environment and the World of Culture and Media. Mentor, author of the "Coherent Leadership"™ model, a program for the development of leaders who build engaging organizations where business achieves its goals and people find meaning. Founder and director of the Academy of Leadership of Education and the international Center for Technology Ethics.

Currently, Ms. Zofia Dzik is an independent member of the supervisory boards of the following companies:

BRW S.A. – a leading manufacturer and distributor of furniture in Poland and Europe (vice-president);

PKP CARGO S.A. Europe's leading logistics operator and cargo carrier in rail transport (member of the audit committee, chairwoman of the nomination committee);

Sanok Rubber S.A. – an international manufacturer of rubber products and

CCC S.A. fashion industry, production and sale of footwear and clothing (member of the audit committee).

Ms Zofia Dzik has stated:

  • that in accordance with the conditions specified in art. 18 of the Act of 15 September 2000, the Code of Commercial Companies (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 94, item 1037, as amended) in relation to the candidate for a member of the company's supervisory board, she has full capacity to act and she is not accused in criminal proceedings based on the provisions of Sections XXXIII-XXXVII of the Criminal Code and in Article 585, Art. 587, art. 590 and in art. 591 k.s.h. and I have not been convicted of a valid court sentence for the offenses set out in the abovementioned Regulations.
  • that she meets the criteria of independence of members of the supervisory board within the meaning of Annex II to the Recommendation of the European Commission of February 15, 2005 on the role of non-executive directors or supervisory board members of listed companies and committees of the (supervisory) board. Rules II.Z.5. "Best Practices of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange 2016".
  • that she does not run a business competitive to Arctic Paper S.A.
  • that she does not participate in a competitive company, as a partner in a civil-law partnership, as a member of a body of a joint-stock company or in another competitive legal entity, as a member of its body.
  • that she does not appear in the Register of Insolvent Debtors, kept pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997 in the National Court Register (Journal of Laws of 2007 No. 168, item 1186, as amended).
  • that she meets the independence criteria of the members of the audit committee within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of May 11, 2017 on statutory auditors, audit firms and public supervision (Journal of Laws 2020.1415, i.e. of August 2020, 19), and that she has knowledge and skills in the field of accounting and knowledge and skills in the field of auditing financial statements.



Anna Jakubowski

Member of the Supervisory Board


Ms Anna Jakubowski graduated with a Bachelor of Business Administration (1990) from Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ont. Canada.

Professional experience:

Her professional career started with Procter & Gamble Canada (1991 – 1993), where she was the National Account Manager. Between 1993 and 1998 she held different positions, from Pharmacy Channel Manager to Trade Marketing Manager and Area Sales Manager in P&G Poland. In 1998 she became Regional Customer Business Development Manager in P&G Central Eastern Europe while between 1999 and 2007 she was New Business Development Manager and (from 2002) Strategy, Business Development Director in P&G Western Europe. She continued her career in Switzerland in the P&G the Fabric Care Division (2007 – 2009) as an Associate Director: Marketing.

Between 2011 and 2016 she connected her professional career with The Coca-Cola Company where she held the following positions: the International Group Marketing/Strategy Director in Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company (2011 – 2013), Business Capability Director in the Coca-Cola Company (2013) and from 2013 – 2016 Management Board Member – Managing Director in Coca-Cola Poland Services Sp z o.o. and Franchise General Manager – Poland/Baltics in The Coca-Cola Company, Management Board Member in Multivita Sp. z o. o, Management Board Member – Managing Director in Coca-Cola Balti Jookide AS. In 2018 she held the role of General Manager for Poland and Baltics for Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits Sp. z o.o. In 2019 - 2020, she held the role of General Manager of Avon Cosmetics Polska Sp. z o.o. and is currently the Managing Director and investor in Life Institute Sp. z o.o.

She has also been involved with the following organizations and associations: Women’s International Networking Leadership Forum - Board of Advisors (2004 – 2012), Organization of Women in International Trade - Board of Directors (2005 – 2010) and in 2008 as an Executive Vice President as well as in 2009 as the President (2005 – 2010) in Geneva Women in International Trade, across 2015 – 2016 she served also as a Member of the Board of Directors of the American Chamber of Commerce in Poland, 2015 – 2018 as a Management Board Member, Vice President International Association of Advertising (IAA) in Poland (Warsaw, Poland). Currently is a Member of the Board of the Polish - Canadian Chamber of Commerce, an Adviser and Mentor in the Global Shapers – Mentor4Starters initiative, and a mentor of the CFA Society Poland.

In 2011 she was awarded the TIAW – The World of Difference 100 Award (Recognizes individuals whose efforts have advanced the economic empowerment of women) and in 2016 she was awarded Woman of Charisma: Business & Social Enterprise Award (Poland).

Since 21st of May, 2015 Member of the Supervisory Board of Bank Millennium S.A. From 31st of May 2019 to the day of merger with Bank Millennium S.A. i.e. 1st of October 2019, also Member of the Supervisory Board of Euro Bank S.A.

Ms Anna Jakubowski has stated:

  • that in accordance with the conditions specified in art. 18 of the Act of 15 September 2000, the Code of Commercial Companies (Journal of Laws of 2000, No. 94, item 1037, as amended) in relation to the candidate for a member of the company's supervisory board, she has full capacity to act and she is not accused in criminal proceedings based on the provisions of Sections XXXIII-XXXVII of the Criminal Code and in Article 585, Art. 587, art. 590 and in art. 591 k.s.h. and I have not been convicted of a valid court sentence for the offenses set out in the abovementioned Regulations.
  • that she meets the criteria of independence of members of the supervisory board within the meaning of Annex II to the Recommendation of the European Commission of February 15, 2005 on the role of non-executive directors or supervisory board members of listed companies and committees of the (supervisory) board. Rules II.Z.5. "Best Practices of Companies Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange 2016".
  • that she does not run a business competitive to Arctic Paper S.A.
  • that she does not participate in a competitive company, as a partner in a civil-law partnership, as a member of a body of a joint-stock company or in another competitive legal entity, as a member of its body.
  • that she does not appear in the Register of Insolvent Debtors, kept pursuant to the Act of August 20, 1997 in the National Court Register (Journal of Laws of 2007 No. 168, item 1186, as amended).
  • that she meets the independence criteria of the members of the audit committee within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of May 11, 2017 on statutory auditors, audit firms and public supervision (Journal of Laws 2020.1415, i.e. of August 2020, 19), and that she has knowledge and skills in the field of accounting and knowledge and skills in the field of auditing financial statements.